Risicowaarschuwing: CFD's zijn complexe instrumenten en brengen een hoog risico met zich mee dat u snel geld verliest te benutten. De overgrote meerderheid van de rekeningen van particuliere beleggers verliest geld bij het handelen in CFD's.
How can we help?
Handelen is risicovol
Is TIOmarkets licensed and regulated?
How are my funds protected?
Why do I see something on the TIOmarkets website that other people don’t see?
Other brokers are telephoning me and I have only signed up to TIOmarkets.eu, what happened?
What happens if I deposited some funds to a company that looked like TIOmarkets.eu, but with a different name?
How are my funds protected?
Your funds are held in a segregated account (from our own capital) and are not used for our operational purposes. Your money is also covered by the Investor Compensation Fund (ICF) which guarantees your deposited funds up to €20,000 in the event of a business failure.
Sensitive financial information or data sent between you and tiomarkets through our website is also encrypted.