Risicowaarschuwing: CFD's zijn complexe instrumenten en brengen een hoog risico met zich mee dat u snel geld verliest te benutten. De overgrote meerderheid van de rekeningen van particuliere beleggers verliest geld bij het handelen in CFD's.


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Most Frequently Asked Questions

Tiomarkets FAQ

Trading Accounts

Why do I need to send you my proof of ID and address?

Why do I need to send you my proof of ID and address?

Proof of ID and address are required to comply with regulatory requirements and ensure the security of your account. As a regulated and responsible company who deals in financial instruments, we are both legally and morally obligated to ensure that you are who you say you are and to maintain the security of your account. We need to have evidence of a government-issued ID or passport plus a recent proof of address dated within the last 6 months.

Please make sure you upload clear and color copies through the secure client portal after login, or you can email them to [email protected].

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