Risicowaarschuwing: CFD's zijn complexe instrumenten en brengen een hoog risico met zich mee dat u snel geld verliest te benutten. De overgrote meerderheid van de rekeningen van particuliere beleggers verliest geld bij het handelen in CFD's.
How can we help?
Handelen is risicovol
How many lots can I trade? What is the maximum number of lots I can trade?
How do I sign up for a TIOmarkets.eu trading account?
Why do I need to send you my proof of ID and address?
What can I do or not do while my account is pending approval?
What do I do if I have not received my verification email?
How do I reset my password?
Where can I locate TIOmarkets.eu legal documentation?
What is the dormancy fee?
Does the dormancy fee apply to me?
How much is the dormancy fee?
What documents do I need to provide for my account to be verified?
What documents are accepted for Proof of Identity (POI)?
What documents are accepted for Proof of Address (POA)?
How do I upload my documents?
What base currencies are available?
How can I update the language emails are sent to me in?
How can I change my base currency in my member area wallet?
How can I change my base currency in my MT4 trading account?
How to be classified as a professional client?
To be classified as a professional client, you need to hold an account with TIOmarkets and meet at least two of the criteria below:
- You have carried out transactions, in significant size, on the relevant market at an average frequency of 10 per quarter over the previous four quarters.
- You have a financial instrument portfolio, including cash deposits and financial instruments, exceeding EUR 500,000.
- You work or have worked in the financial sector for at least one year in a professional position, which requires knowledge of the transactions or services in CFDs and their associated risks.
What counts as significant size transactions?
- €10,000 notional trade value for equities and ETFs; or
- €50,000 notional trade value for forex, indices and commodities.
You will need to provide supporting documentation for the criteria above as no application for professional client status will be accepted without these:
- For relevant transactions: PDF copies of your transaction statement with an investment firm. If the transactions of significant size are with TIOmarkets you do not need to provide copies of your statements.
- For financial Instrument portfolio: Bank statements or portfolio summaries of trading accounts, cash savings, stock portfolios or mutual funds.
- For professional experience: Professional resume, copy of your employment agreement, signed employment confirmation letter, payslip, etc.
Please contact [email protected] for further assistance.