Risikowarnung: CFDs sind komplexe Instrumente und bergen ein hohes Risiko, schnell fälliges Geld zu verlieren Hebeln. Die überwiegende Mehrheit der Privatanlegerkonten verliert beim Handel mit CFDs Geld. Sie sollt
How can we help?
Handel ist riskant!
What is a trading platform?
How do I log in and start trading on the MT4 trading platform?
Do I need a trading account to log in to the trading platform?
How do I switch accounts on the trading platform?
Is the MT4 platform compatible with Mac and iOS?
Can I trade on the MT5 platform?
What is the minimum lot size I can trade on your platform?
What are the maximum lot sizes I can trade on your platform?
What are the margin call and margin stop out levels on the trading platform?
Will MT4 run on my computer or smartphone?
What devices is the trading platform available on?
When can I open my MT4 trading account?
How can I Download the MT4 trading platform?
What is the MT4 Server time?
How do I download the mobile trading app?
What is One Click Trading and how does it work?
How do I activate/deactivate one -click trading?
What leverage do you offer?
What is a trading platform?
A trading platform is a software application that provides real-time prices, charts and analytical tools to allow you to monitor the markets and place trades on your account. It serves as the bridge between you as the trader and the market.
Visit our trading platforms page to learn more: https://tiomarkets.eu/mt4